At Quanttitudes, we believe inside every person there is a treasure waiting to be discovered.
With this simple philosophy in mind, we match individuals with organizations based on talent and cultural fit. We then take both, the individual and the team through a disciplined journey of mutual discovery, talent blending, and collaboration.
As with everything we do, we start with measurement. We use standardized assessments to understand individual and team strengths. Then, our consultants follow up with workshops and/or individual coaching sessions to promote self-awareness and mutual appreciation of each colleague’s unique differences. We set organizations up for success through a detailed action plan to turn talents into strengths, and strengths into performance.
Our performance consultants and coaches can help you or your organization:
· Align Career Paths to Natural Talents
· Identify Opportunities for Career Development
· Develop your Personal Brand
· Build Complementary Partnerships
· Map your Team’s Talents and Conduct Blending Exercises
· Identify and Leverage your Entrepreneurial Talents
· Conduct Corporate Retreats and Impact Conversations